
Automate Contract Management with Workflow and Digital Signature Improve Efficiencies and Accuracy Contract Management Securely store, access and manage contracts anywhere in the organization. Easily […]

Automate Contract Management with Workflow and Digital Signature

Improve Efficiencies and Accuracy

Contract Management

Securely store, access and manage contracts anywhere in the organization. Easily monitor and ensure performance and compliance, minimizing risks and maximizing benefits.

Effective contract management is critical for organizations that want to optimize operational and financial performance while mitigating risk. So much time and effort is spent to ensure that terms are drafted and negotiated to maximize benefits and minimize risks, but too often these carefully crafted contracts are simply filed and forgotten. Contract management is primarily a reactive process for many organizations – scrambling to resolve issues resulting from unmet obligations and performance requirements, missed deadlines, and lack of compliance with approval policies. Standardizing and automating the contract management process yields significant benefits to organizations small and large.

Securely store, access and manage contracts anywhere in the organization. Easily monitor and ensure performance and compliance, minimizing risks and maximizing benefits.

  • Routing and Tracking the Work Process
  • Editing and Revisions
  • Contract Renewals
  • Searching
  • Retention Schedule
  • Expunging of Contracts
Questys Document Management can be used to store, search and edit contracts, Questys Workflow can be used to route and track the work process, and Questys Digital Signature securely signs online documents.